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2018-10-30 S.B. min.
Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
– October 30, 2018 – 5:30 PM – Town Hall Annex
Present:  Edith Morgan, Karen Cruise and TA Nina Nazarian. Richard Bisk was absent.

5:30 PM  Edie opened the meeting.

Minutes – On a motion by Edie, seconded by Karen the Selectboard voted 2-0-0 to approve minutes of Oct. 17th, 23rd, and 24th but not release the Executive Session minutes from Oct. 17th. The Selectboard also agreed to post the notes of the October 22nd meeting for purposes of transparency, even though a quorum of the Selectboard was not present.

Public Comment – There were no comments from the public.

Facilities Steering Committee Phase II Charge – The Selectboard discussed the draft charge proposed by the FSC Phase II. Written comments from Richy and Edie were reviewed. Karen shared that she understood that the FSC Phase II was trying to fully vet the cost aspects and that she was generally in support of the approach. The Selectboard agreed that providing some guidance on things to focus on or not focus on (i.e. no phasing, no extra uses besides public safety, etc.) would be important and to discuss/vote on the final charge at its next regular meeting.

Cemetery Commission Rules, Regulations & Fee Schedule, Adopt Changes – The Cemetery Commission proposed some changes to the rules, regulations & fee schedule.

ACTION: On a motion by Edie, second by Karen the Selectboard voted 2-0-0 to adopt the changes to the Cemetery Commission Rules, Regulations, and Fee Schedule as presented.

Limit to when items can be added to the agenda by Edie – The Selectboard discussed Edie’s proposal to limit that new items not be added to the agenda less than 24 hours in advance of meeting on issues that require important thought and discussion, with the intent that it left room for last minute contract approvals and/or transfers, etc. After some discussion, the Selectboard agreed that there was no easy answer to the challenges presented regarding the need to revise the agenda at times. A suggestion for consideration at the next regular meeting of the Selectboard would be to create a deadline for boards/committees in submitting requests to be placed on the Selectboard agenda.

Volunteer Fair Idea by Karen – Karen explained that she plans to hold a volunteer fair, outside of her duties on the Selectboard, with the goal of inviting all volunteer boards, commissions, and committees in town and be available to answer questions of the public and/or engage others to volunteer.

Rural Policy Listening Session, Nov. 1 – This item was on the agenda in the event that the Selectboard wanted to have discussion. Selectboard agreed that no discussion was needed at this time.

Accept Resignation Letter from Memorial Day Committee member & advertise – Mr. Terry Hart submitted a resignation letter from his position on the Memorial Day Committee. The Selectboard acknowledged Mr. Hart’s significant contribution on the Memorial Day Committee and other committees.

ACTION: On a motion by Edie, second by Karen the Selectboard voted 2-0-0 to accept Mr. Hart’s resignation and advertise the Memorial Day Committee opening.

Sale of Cemetery Lot, Approve and sign – The board received a deed to sell cremation Lot 141 at West Cemetery for $400.00 to Mr. Richard and Ms. Marcia Wiles.

ACTION: On a motion by Edie, second by Karen the Selectboard voted 2-0-0 to sell Lot 141 at West Cemetery for $400.00 to Mr. Richard and Ms. Marcia Wiles.

Authorize TA to sign/award several contracts – The Selectboard was asked to act on a winter sand procurement, a salt procurement, the Ball Hill Road Culvert design contract, an integrated financial software contract, a bridge inspection and rating of the Calamint Hill Road bridge contract, and contracts for heating oil, diesel, and gasoline.

ACTION: On a motion by Edie, second by Karen the Selectboard voted 2-0-0 to award the winter sand contract to Northeast Sand and Gravel, and authorize the Town Administrator to sign the FY’19 salt contracts with Morton Salt, Inc. and Champion Salt, LLC, the Ball Hill Road Culvert contract with Comprehensive Environmental Inc. to complete the design of the culvert replacement, Vadar Systems, Inc. contract for an integrated financial software, Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. contract for a bridge inspection and rating of the Calamint Hill Road bridge, and Peterson Oil contract for heating oil, diesel fuel and gasoline.

Correspondence – The Selectboard received a copy of a recent communication from the Environmental Action Committee to the Town Administrator asking several questions where they have not been able to find certainty on answers for the Action Plan which they are working on. Based on the extensive list of questions and the limited availability of time, the Selectboard agreed to discuss this item further at its next regular meeting.

Town Administrator’s Reports – None.

Executive Session 6:14 PM

Edie moved and Karen seconded to go into executive session, and not return to regular session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A. Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel – Personnel Policy Employees. In roll call Edith voted “Aye” and Karen voted “Aye”. The Selectboard did not go into executive session for the Police Chief contract, which was listed on the agenda.


Meeting Adjourned  6:27 PM

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Draft Facilities Steering Committee Phase II charge, including written comments by Edie and Richy; proposal by Edie regarding a limit to when items can be added to the agenda; Cemetery Commission Rules, Regulations & Fee Schedule; Rural Policy Listening Session event invitation; resignation notice from Mr. Terry Hart; and questions by the Environmental Action Committee.